How to prevent scurvy in 2020: a recipe

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Remember back in March when we had no idea what was coming?

When we read about grown women descending into fisticuffs over the last bottle of hand sanitizer in the store? And worried the world’s supply of toilet paper was coming to an end?

How far we’ve come.

(Or have we?)

Back then, amid the panic, I’ll admit, I filled my freezer with bags of frozen fruits and vegetables like scurvy was inevitable. We may be wiping with leaves, but by God, my kids would have their broccoli.

Which emoji to insert?

🤦🏼‍♀️ 🥦 🙄

Opening the freezer this week and finding those same bags of frost-bitten asparagus spears and ice-caked medley of carrots and peas got me thinking about this hoarding.

What is it for, really?

If I’m saving these vegetables for an apocalypse, isn’t that really too late?

And it got me thinking about what else I might be hoarding. (I’m not REALLY talking about frozen veggies here, friends).

What else am I keeping close to my chest, afraid to share, nervous about giving up lest it force me out of the comfort and safety of the cocoon I’ve built here?

So on Sunday I took inventory of what remains my freezer and and by the end of the week, it will be gone. Folded into a hodgepodge collection of stir fries and soups.

One part for the bowl, one part for the soul.

Mostly a reminder to me to stop squirreling away the gifts that I have to give, to stop playing it safe, and to trust that I can let go of the scarcity mentality and empty the freezer.

(Which is not to say there won’t always be a bag of chicken nuggets in there, because I can only take this metaphor so far, I do still have kids, right?)

What about you? How’s your freezer looking? I'd love to hear about the soul-food you're cooking up these days!

P.S. Lest I post a misleading title, here’s the recipe:

1. Saute some onions, carrots and celery, add garlic after a few minutes, transfer to a crockpot
2. Add a can or two of tomatoes and a box or two of broth (depending on how many you need to feed)
3. Add whatever medley of veggies you’ve got in the freezer
4. Throw in some salt and pepper and seasonings from your spice rack
5. Cook on low for 6-7 hours, add a squeeze of lemon just before serving
6. Voilá - enjoy around the table with a sprinkle of humility and a side of gratitude.

(And you wonder why I am not a food blogger, eh?) 😝


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