It’s Teacher Appreciation Week here. Yep, that’s Teacher with a capital T, now and forever more, a capital T. So much love and respect for Teachers. And longing. I miss them, I want them back, my kids want them back. I am so many things, but a substitute Teacher, I am not.

I seem to be able to think only in song during this quarantine, which I suppose isn’t the worst thing. It brings me joy, and I’ll take that where I can get it these days. So you’ll please humor me again with another ditty. This one for Teachers and Hamilton fans alike.

[And what do you do when it’s really a song made for piano but you can’t play? Why, you add your kids’ pentatonic glockenspiel, of course. (you know, that gorgeous wooden instrument you bought when they were tiny because you were going to lovingly play it each night as a gentle invitation to sleep, but of course, like so many things you meant to do in motherhood, never actually got around to doing … ) Who knew the glockenspiel would come in handy in a pandemic?]



Before you have that second POT of coffee, listen up!


I'm Bringing Lonely Back